B.A.B.Y __ D.U.M.P.I.N.G

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Innocence babies were dumped anywhere

What are your feeling during look at the pictures above? Angry? Sad? Disappointing? I can guess... The answer is YES !

  Last holiday, I was visited to my cousin's house who was just delivered a baby. Her baby is so cute. The baby boy! I am so excited and happy to see the baby. At a moment, I am starring at the baby face and remembered to the hot issues about "Baby Dumping".

Usually, the case occur between a couple who do not married yet.  An irresponsibility man make a women make an alternative by dumping the baby.  What do you call mothers who dump their babies and fathers who run away when they know a baby is on the way? Unmentionables, but since this is family publication, let's just call them monsters.

    Our country unmarried teenage pregnancies has a chronic increase recently and many young mums to be are estranged from their families. As a muslim, we believe that child is a priceless gift from Allah SWT. However, lately the baby dumping cases happen almost every day. Teenage parents give birth in a motel room and leave the child for dead in a garbage. A girl gives birth in a school bathroom at night and throws the baby into the garbage. These stories relate to one of the most frightening realities of our culture today.

    How could this problem keep on happening? There are many factors that cause this problem continuously occurring in Malaysian society. Lifestyle of teenagers itself, for example when they are in campus or in college, the teenagers are free act  without parents control. Some of them date and try to do something as couple. Sometimes they can make ‘‘something’’ out of their mind in which turning out to be out of their own expectation. Just start with going out for a dinner by riding the same vehicle together. If it is just for a dinner, then there is no problem. But if the dinners over and theyre still together alone in a car, then that is not right and something bad can happen. Perhaps that ‘’something’’ can be call it as sumbang mahram or zina in Malay Language.

Unmarried Couple 

   Every boy and girl has to know their limitation of relationship. Parents should play their role in order to prevent their own children from social problem. Parents should give awareness about the dangerous of baby dumping, introduce true Islam to the children especially to the muslim youth about halal and haram in opposite sex relationship.

      Besides that, by celebrating New Years Day and Valentines Day are also the factors of baby dumping to happen. Most of the teenagers were easily cajoled into having unmarried sex because they were naïve. During the New Year celebration and Valentine Day celebration, many of teenage girls cheated by their boyfriends, saying that they had to prove their love to their boyfriends by having sex together. As a naïve teenager of course they will do and give everything for their sweetheart without thinking about the sins and problem that might be happening in the future.

     Once the teenagers find themselves pregnant, they are about to fend for themselves, and they became estranged from their family after they know about the pregnancy. Thus, causes the young mums to be scared in dealing with feelings of fear, anger, disappointment and confusion, therefore they take the easiest and fastest way out by abandon or worse, by killing the baby (abortion, baby dumping).

     The social stigma attached to premarital pregnancies forces them to conceal and abandon the babies, leading to horrifying deaths. As long as society refuses to accept reality, baby dumping will continue to be a social whip in our country. Parents have to be more open and supportive to help their girls manage their pregnancies. This should not be viewed as condoning premarital sex. There is indeed a need for change of mindset and the way of managing something in which had been done, in this case the premarital sex.

      On top of that, the widespread access to porn and weakened family ties also has a link to the baby dumping. Effects from globalization nowadays, youth today can easily have access to pornography online, even through their mobile phones. The parents should play a role in controlling their childrens activities inside and outside of the house. They should know their children going out with whom and where did they go in order to avoid their children from unhealthy activities and involve with social problem.

     Poverty is also another factor that causes child dumping. Poor social welfare systems, not capable to pay the medical bills and not financially capable of taking care of a child are more likely the factors to dump the baby. Political conditions, such as difficulty in adoption proceedings, may also contribute to child dumping. Having ones first child is the most stressful experience someone can go through. Young mothers can be vulnerable, especially if they are alone and do not have the experience or social support to cope.-Dr Boulton, a child psychologist at the University of Keele.

       Effects of baby dumping are on individuals itself, the baby and society. On infants, it will give a problem cause contempt regarded by society as adults, problems if you want to marry because there is no guardian and it will difficult for schools because there is no birth registration. It may effects on society too. The abortion will be mimicked by others. On individuals, it can cause psychological effects on the mental and emotions after marriage, such as depression, especially when age is often thought of as the content is never removed.

     The government, families, and communities should take the role to overcome the baby dumping problem. There are no easy solutions, and so we are required to expand our efforts to reach prevention at a standstill. Steps must be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
      Sexuality education, for example the Ministry of Education agreed to implement a sex education. Recommends communities provide comprehensive sexuality education to youths and families. Education should strive to increase communication among youth, families, and communities thus, can minimize the shame on unwanted pregnancy and make young people want to take advantage off supports and services in their families and communities.

    In Conclusion, we cant point our finger to anyone we want, but this time we have to examine the best solution to reducing this social problem together.

    Having sex after marriage is safer and it can reduce the abortion and baby dumping rate. It also helps us be more responsible and not to have sex just to satisfy our lust.

Motherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves. - Charles Stanley

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