Clothing Online Business.. What impact to the Malaysian economic?

Monday, November 02, 2015


Assalamualaikum. Hello everybody ! Today I am very excited ! I want to share with you about clothing online business. Wow ! I know a lot of people very concern about fashion nowadays. Up to date right? Especially women. Herm. I can see a lot of my friends like to buy the clothes through online then they dress up with fashionable attire when attending to lecture. Sometimes I feel jealous to them. But, it's okay. I like simple ! I like Baju Kurung ! Hahahah :D

     Alright, my entry today is more to opinion regarding clothing online business and the impact to economic growth and stability.

     In this modern technology century, I can see a lot of change in many aspects including fashion. A lot of interesting and unique design of clothes introduced by creative designer whether in clothes, scarf, and also dress. The design not only focus to women but also in men attire. Thus, it is not awkward if the number of clothes business increase bombastically. In the other hand, it also may be one of the main contributor to the growth of economic. There are a few of well known boutique or company in selling the fashionable kind of clothing and scarf. They are Radiusite, Fareeda, Bella Ammara, Zawara, Sugarscraf and many more.  Most of them  known as a 'Muslimah Boutique'.

Most Popular Scarf Boutique  

Sugarscarf Boutique

Fareeda Xxclusive Scarf Boutique
Radiusite Hijab Boutique

Most Popular Dress and Clothes Boutique 

Bella Ammara Boutique

Zawara Boutique

Calaqisya Boutique

Have you ever think, how they create their brand name by selling only clothing and scarf? Indeed, the answer is through internet. Online Business ! With the modern of technology, the social media acts as a main medium for seller to promote their products. In my opinion, there are several factors act as catalyst in expand this type of business including :

  • The number of internet user in Malaysia. Usually,the seller starts the business through online. Internet influenced people life. Most of Malaysian use it whether for execute their work or personal purpose. Based on the statistic on June 30 2012, from stated that Malaysian internet users are 17.7 million over 29.2 population of Malaysian. This total is high. Malaysian also act as a main of internet user among Asian.
  • Simple online business to run. Online business is the easiest way to run. Anything you can do just on your fingertips. Easy! No need to go anywhere, just sitting in front of your PC or gadget and gain your income. Hence, most of people run this business by promoting the products in Instagram, Facebook and Blog. As a creative entrepreneur, they always fulfill the opportunity in marketing the products. Some of the tactics by opening their own website. The expanding of the business caused many people try to enter in this business. Through online and small beginning capital. Some of them do not have knowledge in business field. The seller will collaborate with certain artist in promoting their product by making them as a model. It will attract more people to consume the products especially among young people. They also gain the profit by changing their products among other seller. They promote the items in their website. So, the customer can visit and buy the products through that website.
  • The development of fashion world.  The development of fashion world is unlimited due to the modern contemporary itself , but the demand of fashion especially Muslimah Fashion is high. Currently, this fashion become more popular and customer choose it as a trend of daily fashion whether in casual or formal event. The higher demand open a chance for designer to create variety types of fashion cloth design like skirt, blouse, man and woman dress and others. Now, a lot of material used in making the cloth such as satin, lycra, cotton, denim and many more.
  • The effective of marketing and customer services.Through internet, marketing will be more effective, cost and duration of marketing can be reduce also give an opportunity to entrepreneur of  Muslimah Fashion to focus more on their business. Customer service wider whether in the country or outside of the country. The customer may be accessing to the online business within 24 hours/7 days a week. Non-stop business. It easier consumer to make order anytime.  The time taken to send the item to customer also  fast. Usually within a day within a country and a week outside the county.
Here, I can conclude that the stability of politics, the democratic among Malaysian and the permission of economic encouraged people to buy and selling freely. They are confident in dealing the business as long as their fashion needs will fulfill, Most career people also prefer in buying online due to the time limitation. Moreover, the development of technology make the online business more effective indirectly it will increase the growing of economy and stability..

That's all from me. I will see you in other post. In Shaa Allah, :)

“The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows.” -Aristotle Onassis

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