Petrol and Fuel always Fluctuated in Price

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Assalamualaikum. Hye we meet again for the new entry. Okay, before you read this entry please give a beautiful smile first :) . So sweet. Thank you for your sweetest smile. Today, I want to post about the fluctuation price of fuel or petrol.

As a student and consumer of a petrol, the changing price of petrol always make sense for me. The sound so sensitive. Once the price was increased, I will think twice to go somewhere that need a long distance. I have read an article regarding to this issue. In the article, Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism, Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin state that the government will not announce changes in oil prices to the public in advance to avoid oil operators control the sale of fuel to consumers and only be issued to the Petrol Dealers Association of Malaysia (PDAM) at midnight at the end of each month.

According to the statement above, I disagreed because its looks like the government is selfish. Did not concern about citizen. He added, if the oil price rises, government revenues will increase allowing it to spend more. An announcement of changes in oil prices always take into account the interests of producers and consumers. I feel like it is unfair for me as a citizen to face with this situation. The government suppose to be inform to all Malaysian about the changing of fuel price because majority of Malaysian are using cars.

Price of RON 95, RON 97 and diesel for October 2015 respectively compared to September rose 10 cents, bringing the current price of RON 95 is RM2.05 per liter at the pump, RON 97 (RM2.45) and diesel (RM1.90). As a citizen, we forced to admit about this changing of price.

What I can say is, I just want my right as a citizen. Actually, the government cannot do such that action. Ignoring the right of citizens, not only in fuel price issue but in many aspects. Thus, I suggest that the government must cooperate with citizens to change the idea in order to solve most issue related to the country.

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