T.P.P.A -> What you need to know ?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Assalamualaikum. Hye visitors... :) Have a nice day. Alright. Today I want to post a new entry that quite hot nowadays. First of all,I want to apologize to you because this entry is quite long. The issue of T.P.P.A... What can you imagine through this word? Can't imagine anything? Me too. But after I read this issue in internet, now I know variety of feeling comes. I will brief to you what the T.P.P.A is all about?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) has been in the news a lot lately. Politicians, media practitioners and civil society have all commented extensively on it, both in favour of the deal and against.

What is T.P.P.A ?

T.P.P.A is a short form of Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. It is an agreement that lead by United States of America and involved 11 countries including Malaysia.

Involved Countries : Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and United States of America. China is excluding in this agreement. 

Now, I will explain the purpose of T.P.P.A. It is important to recognise that in an increasingly globalised  world, will impact that more nations working towards trade liberalisation free makets that will ultimately benefit the participating nations. T.P.P.A will reducing the trade barriers by providing Malaysian-owned businesses wider access to international markets and it will strengthen the country's economic growth. The recently negotiated agreement will provide local business with first ever Free-Trade Agreements between Malaysia and the 11 nations involved. In addition, it is to enhancing access to eight other markets. Some of the sectors that will benefit quickly in Malaysia are textiles, apparel, commodities and the electronics industry.

What is wrong in T.P.P.A ?

A lot of question come over mind. The way they held the discussion is secret and all the texts of discussion also secreted by them until after four years the agreement was agreed.

The benefits of T.P.P.A : 

Currently, Malaysia is the third largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Asean and T.P.P.A provides Malaysia a competitive edge among Asean countries to move further investment. T.P.P.A. According to Minister of International Trade and Industry , Mustapha Mohamed, all parties agreed to eliminate the duty import almost on all products under T.P.P.A.
Other than that, Malaysia has established strong foundations in technology, e-commerce and financial services. Together, with the removal of digital customs duties, localisation barriers and forced technology transfers, these benefits of T.P.P.A will boost Malaysia's vision of becoming an e-commerce and high-tech hub within the region. These steps will catalyse the efforts of Malasysian SME's to better participate in the global marketplace.
He add, the sensitivity issues raised also examined in the agreement including Bumiputera issue.

The disadvantages of T.P.P.A :

Indeed, the wider the marketplace, the higher the competition. Moreover, each nations have their own issues. Thus, with implemented the same standard for all nation will raise another issues. 

Of course, some issues that 'secret' will make known. Based on the Washington report post on 2013, a few of contents including in T.P.P.A was leaked :

  • Intellectual property: The leaked intellectual property chapter revealed that the US has been pushing stronger copyright protections for music and film, as well as broader and longe-lasting applicability of patents.
  • State-owned enterprises: Many T.P.P governments, in particular Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia essntially own large parts of their economices. Negotiable  have aimed to limit public support for these companies in order to foster competition with the private sector, but given the US 'own government-sponsored enterprises.
  • Market access: Through the treaty envisions dropping all tarrifs, tensions remain between the US and Japan over support for both of their agricultural sectors, as well as Japan;s willingness to accept US -market automobile. 
  • Investors-state dispute resolution: Most modern free trade agreements include some mechanism for investor parties to sue governments directly for failing to abide by the terms of the agreement, which some public interest advocates worry will have a chilling effect on domestic egulation aimed at consumer and environmental protection. 
  • Tobacco: Originally, US has proposed that tobacco be treated differently than other kinds of goods, in that countries would have permission to restrict its importation and sale. This summer, it executed something of an about-face, which alarmed anti-smoking advocates who worry that tobacco companies will continue to sue nations for passing law that heavily tax cigarretes or ban certain kinds of advertising.
A lot of opinion given by intellectual people including Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Here, he said that the agreement made is a conspiration. 

Overall, I thought that T.P.P.A has pros and cons. Several people agreed and some of them not. As a young people, what I need is the governments have to fulfill what contain in T.P.P.A. Examine wholly about T.P.P.A and not only follow the other fingers. It is crucial to reach out to the public, especially young people.

 Phewhhh ! My finger become loose. Heheheh. I hope this little information can open our mind due to the global  condition nowadays. Full of cheating. Don't know which one to follow. The awareness of us needed to safe our country, Malaysia.

That's all from me. Thank you.  

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