Paris Tears. #PrayforParis.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Today the world was shocked by the news of the attack that took place on the 'city of love' Paris. In the attack on Friday evening dozens of people have been killed and he was struck again when the French president described itself as unprecedented terrorist attack.
The peaceful of Paris City

Many questions arise about events that break the heart of the French capital which left at least 127 people dead and injured. Maybe some question can not be answered whether in a day or even a week. According to an article I read, evidence to be in response to questions that trail through issues related by stage.
Through dirty tactics carried out by the terrorist, it is clear that they are very cunning to overthrow a country even religion. They are so cruel as willing to commit fraud for personal gain. No direct humanities properties in themselves. Human rights has become a toy. Leader this would not be required in a country.

  • Terrorists Tactics. The places targeted yesterday in the attacks claimed by Islamic State, were places used by ordinary people – a more effective method of creating terror and polarizing communities than if landmarks, commentators or politicians were in the line of fire.
    The recent apparent bombing of a plane of Russian tourists heading back from Egypt (which has not yet been fully verified as an IS attack), and the attacks on the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket in January, also helped create the impression that no-one is safe.Igniting Islamophobia and making Westerners less sympathetic to those fleeing from IS's activities in the Middle East to Europe may also be part of the attackers' plans. The far-right National Front in France has gained electoral power in recent years, partly by appealing to anti-immigration sentiment.
  • France in Syria. France has recently joined the Western powers which have intervened militarily in the escalating violence in Syria.
    On Tuesday, the country's Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian confirmed that France had begun bombing and was targeting "the Islamic State group's oil infrastructure" – one of the group's key sources of funding.
  • ‘Jihadi John'. The reported death on Thursday night of the U.K. born IS terrorist who appeared in videos killing Western hostages was an important public relations victory for the Western powers. U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron described it as a "strike at the heart" of IS. With this attack, IS may have shown it can strike back.
  • Rouhani visit. The growing rapprochement between Iran and the West was supposed to be crystallised by a high-profile visit by Hassan Rouhani, the most progressive Iranian President for decades, to France and Italy this week. This visit has now been postponed.
Through dirty tactics like this, we can see how ruthless leader who is willing to resort to violence in their own country. They do not seem dignified self-interest. No longer the humanity and regard human rights as one game.Leader such this people would not be required in a country. Let us together pray for the safety of the world. #PRAYFORPARIS #PRAYFORSYRIA #PRAYFORHUMANITYRIGHT ! ! 

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